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Welcome to our website, which is sure to lead you to discover the Old Gospel in its original form.
How did we come to be in the position we are today to introduce you to the spiritual dimension of things that concern communion with God, the Creator.
How did we come to be in the position we are today to introduce you to the spiritual dimension of things that concern communion with God, the Creator. Quite simply because we have had the grace of meeting Him, or rather the grace of His making Himself known to us in the power of His resurrection. In most cases, and much more often, men have spoken about God, but now it is God Himself who has spoken to men so that there is no longer any ambiguity, uncertainty or guesswork in connection with questions such as:
Who is God really? Does He exist? What does He say about what has been said about Him? What about His Word? What does He think about His Word and the interpretations made of it? Does He agree with all the practices established by religious organisations? Does He agree with all these organisations? What does He expect of men? What about salvation? Is it possible to receive salvation, in other words, to be saved? If so, how? In what way? By whom exactly? There are many questions that human beings ask themselves that require a clear and precise answer from the Creator Himself.
Our mission is to bring people to the knowledge of the truth so that they can be saved
Our mission is to bring people to the knowledge of the truth so that they can be saved. There are several versions of spirituality in the world, which inevitably leads to several forms of worship, resulting in several divinities, i.e. gods. For what we worship is what we define as our god.
Hence the emergence of several works dealing with these divinities. And as these works deal with spirituality in relation to these divinities, they are therefore called ‘sacred’ because these divinities have the power to act, so they are creators.
If that's the case, how many designers do we need? And why so many?
Do we need many creators?
La question est de savoir :
Who really is the creator?
Are there really several or just one?
Our mission is to bring man to the knowledge of the truth about divinity and, what's more, to know his Creator so as to pay Him the adoration due to Him, i.e. gratitude and thanks for what His Creator has done with him and for him.
To know the true meaning of the term ‘sacred’ and the true work of which the Creator is Himself the Author.
Everything that has to do with God the Creator is sacred and valuable,
Know the value of what is sacred and what is vile, so that you can devote yourself solely to what is truly sacred.
Everything that has to do with God the Creator is sacred and has value, that is, consideration in the spiritual realm. Our worship must never turn to idols, because there are more idolaters in the world than true worshippers of the living God, Creator of heaven and earth.
We are called to give greater value to that which leads us to knowledge of the truth and, moreover, of the sacred. Many works written by men, which have adopted a kind of adoration, meditation and spirituality, are published and spread throughout the world and their authors attribute to them the title of sacred, hence their great value.
Of all the so-called sacred books that extol the virtues of their thinkers, there is none that is remotely comparable to the BIBLE.
Man, as constituted by the Creator, has something deep within him that impels him to adoration
Man, as constituted by the Creator, has something deep within him that drives him to worship. It doesn't matter who he is, but he has the desire to believe in something.
That's why atheists don't exist; it's just nonsense because atheism doesn't exist, because every man believes in something.
According to the definition, atheism means being an unbeliever, but every man believes in the existence of another man, so we believe in something.
This is how the self-styled atheist sums up his thinking.
‘When I look at the universe, I see that all the planets are ordered in a certain way and each occupies its own well-defined place’.
There is an established order. What someone has put in order, because order can't be put in place on its own, it needs someone to do it.
If the universe is ordered, then there is a Creator who made it. And if He is the Creator, then He is GOD. But I cannot attribute this God to the God of the Bible. Socrates.
This is the thinking of the philosopher Socrates, he recognises that things are as they are, that there is someone who has done it, but he denies the existence of God.
Nature, space, the universe and the whole of creation, including mankind, bear witness to the existence and power of God, to whom the Bible speaks and bears witness.