Shalom & Welcome

For I did not have the thought of knowing among you anything other than Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ crucified.
We welcome you all to our website. We sincerely hope that you will be satisfied and that by this means you will have the opportunity to experience God through His Word and to acquire Divine Wisdom; to have the ability to discern what is right from what is wrong, to distinguish the truth from the false, to see the difference between light and darkness, between truth and deceit.

...I establish you to be the light of nations, to bring my salvation to the extremities of the earth.

The Pillar of Fire above the Bro. L.Lifese – Veracruz, Mexico

News - Announcements

"Do not fear, for I am giving you glad tidings, which will be a great joy for all the people."

Last Sermons

Put the word into practice, and do not limit yourself to listening to it...

Testimonials - Special videos

“This will happen to you that you may bear witness.” Luke 21:13

Series of meetings

"God, in recent times, has spoken to us through the Son, 'Heb. 1:2