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Welcome to our website, which is sure to lead you to discover the Old Gospel in its original form.


How did we come to be in the position we are today to introduce you to the spiritual dimension of things that concern communion with God, the Creator.

How did we come to be in the position we are today to introduce you to the spiritual dimension of things that concern communion with God, the Creator. Quite simply because we have had the grace of meeting Him, or rather the grace of His making Himself known to us in the power of His resurrection. In most cases, and much more often, men have spoken about God, but now it is God Himself who has spoken to men so that there is no longer any ambiguity, uncertainty or guesswork in connection with questions such as:
Who is God really? Does He exist? What does He say about what has been said about Him? What about His Word? What does He think about His Word and the interpretations made of it? Does He agree with all the practices established by religious organisations? Does He agree with all these organisations? What does He expect of men? What about salvation? Is it possible to receive salvation, in other words, to be saved? If so, how? In what way? By whom exactly? There are many questions that human beings ask themselves that require a clear and precise answer from the Creator Himself.