Songs - Canticles - Praises
Rediscovering our tools for glorifying God in song and praise
Choir and hymns
‘Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise him in the expanse where his power shines! Praise him for his great deeds! Praise him according to the immensity of his greatness! Praise him with the sound of the trumpet! Praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourines and dances! Praise him with stringed instruments and the chalumeau! Praise him with resonant cymbals! Praise him with resounding cymbals! Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!’ Ps. 150: 1-6
Assembly song book
Books of songs from the assembly
Only Believe
Songbook and audio file
Song of victory
Instrumental songs from the book
On the Wings of Faith
Instrumental audio file (MIDI) and Smartphone application